
The Golden State Warriors and Addidas are trying to start a new trend in the NBA. Last week, Adidas and the Warriors agreed to introduce the new short sleeve NBA fit jerseys that they will be wearing on Friday February 22nd against the San Antonio Spurs.

The jerseys have gotten mixed reviews. A lot of people think that they are very weird looking and that yellow being the main color makes the jersey way to bright.

I, on the other hand, think that this is a great move for the NBA and that these jerseys are really cool and modern. I am very excited for the warriors to break these out this Friday.


These modernized jerseys have not gotten the best feed back from other sources. One thing people seemed to argue about was the use of these to cover up tattoos. “Finally, a way to cover up annoying tattoos!” was said by on the website bleacher report.

I disagree with this because I am a big fan of tattoos but a lot of older people don’t enjoy seeing all these tatted up young athletes and also having there kids idolizing someone who is “inked up” isn’t the best role model.

The NBA could use these to cover tats and make kids forget about the tattoos on there favorite players arms. My final thought is that I, personally, am really excited for these to be introduced to the NBA and for them to be worn by my favorite team and hometown team.